Water and climate change are inexplicably linked. As noted in COP21 (held in Paris, France from November 30th to December 11th, 2015) climate is water. (At the conference, the hashtag #ClimateisWater was developed.) The effects of climate change are drastically altering water resources, which in turn creates a need to adapt our water management strategies. Climate change is causing droughts, floods, and altered weather patterns, and exasperating extreme weather events in areas which already experienced them. Research is needed to better understand the link between climate change and water, and to develop solutions to adapt accordingly.

Examples of GIWEH’s research and how it influences our work are found below:
Thematic Reports
• WMO Extraordinary Session
• 1st ICWRE Conference: “Water and Environment in a Changing World”
• 2nd ICWRE Conference: “Water, Food, Energy Security, and Climate Change”
Capacity Building & Trainings
• Executive Master Program Development Policies and Practices (DPP) with the Graduate Institute, Geneva