Water, Food and energy are interlinked and essential for Human well-being and sustainable development. The Nexus approach is a cross-cultural and dynamic perspective that help us to analyze the impact of one resource on others.
The water-food-energy Nexus describes the complex and inter-related nature of our global resources.
GIWEH has worked on a number of research projects under this theme. Reports can be found here: http://giweh.ch/page.aspx?s=1&l=1&pg=19&md=downloadlibrary
Suggested topics for Research:
Humanity needs to feed more people with less water
Role of different stakeholders i.e. businesses, organizations and international community to find solution to tackle with these challenges
Availability of Fresh Water for Agriculture
Water, food and energy security are crucial for sustainable long - term economic growth
How the nexus is integrated in to national planning;
Regional and local perspectives on the nexus;
Addressing the nexus in economic, finance and development policies;
The role of the nexus in the Post - 2015 development agenda.
Examples of GIWEH’s research and how it influences our work are found below:
Thematic Reports
• Report on Biofuels in Brazil and in Africa
• Reports on Energy Recovery from Wastewater
• Managing the Water-Food Nexus: the Importance of the Integration of Different Forms of Knowledge and Expertise
Joint Publications
• Desalination Technologies and the Use of Alternative Energies for Desalination
• Review of the Republic of Korea’s National Strategy for Green Growth
• GIWEH’s Water Award 2010
• GIWEH’s Water Award 2012
• Water-Food-Energy Nexus Project
• 2nd ICWRE Conference: “Water, Food, Energy Security and Climate Change”
• GIWEH’s Water Award 2013